SmartWaveAPI.smartwave module

class SmartWaveAPI.smartwave.SmartWave

Bases: object

An instance of a SmartWave device. Keeps track of all available resources.

FPGABitstreamEnd = 4503599627370495
FPGABitstreamStart = 0
FPGAClockDivided: int = 1525.9021896696422
FPGAClockSpeed: int = 100000000.0
FirmwareEnd = 98816
FirmwareStart = 36864
PID: int = 32881
SBLStart = 8192
VID: int = 9025
configGeneral(vddio: float | None = None, trigger_mode: TriggerMode | None = None)

Configure general information on the connected device.

  • vddio (float) – The IO voltage of the connected device (accurate to 0.01V). Can be set between 1.6V and 5V, or to 0 to disable output.

  • trigger_mode (TriggerMode) – The trigger mode of the output device (i.e. whether it runs once or continuously)


AttributeError – if vddio is not betweeen 1.6V and 5.0V, or exactly 0

connect(port_name: str = None, reset: bool = True, request_info: bool = True, configure_general: bool = True)

Try to connect to a SmartWave device at the specified port.

  • port_name (str) – The name of the port to connect to

  • reset (bool) – Reset the device after connection

  • request_info (bool) – Request info from the device after connection

  • configure_general (bool) – Configure general with the default values



Return type:


  • ConnectionRefusedError – If no connection could be established with the specified port

  • AttributeError – If the device at the specified port is not a SmartWave device

createGPIO(pin_name: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, level: Literal[0, 1] | None = None, pullup: bool | None = None, output_type: PinOutputType | None = None, input_level_callback: Callable[[Literal[0, 1]], None] | None = None) GPIO

Create a GPIO configuration object.

  • pin_name (str) – The name of the pin to use, eg “A1”

  • name (str) – The name of the GPIO pin, as displayed on the device, eg “GPIO”

  • level (Literal[0, 1]) – The initial level of the pin

  • pullup (bool) – Whether to enable a pullup resistor on the pin

  • output_type (PinOutputType) – The output type of the pin

  • input_level_callback (Callable[[Literal[0, 1]], None]) – A callable to be run whenever the input level of the pin is changed.


A GPIO configuration object

Return type:


createI2CConfig(sda_pin_name: str | None = None, scl_pin_name: str | None = None, clock_speed: int | None = None, scl_display_name: str | None = None, sda_display_name: str | None = None) I2CConfig

Create an I2C Configuration object.

  • sda_pin_name (str) – The pin to use for SDA, eg “A1”. By default, the next unused pin is used.

  • scl_pin_name (str) – The pin to use for SCL, eg “A2”. By default, the next unused pin is used.

  • clock_speed (int) – The transmission clock speed in Hz. Default: 400kHz

  • scl_display_name (str) – The name to display for the driver’s SCL pin. Default: SCL

  • sda_display_name (str) – The name to display for the driver’s SDA pin. Default: SDA


An I2C Configuration with the specified settings

Return type:


createSPIConfig(sclk_pin_name: str | None = None, mosi_pin_name: str | None = None, miso_pin_name: str | None = None, cs_pin_name: str | None = None, clock_speed: int | None = None, bit_width: int | None = None, bit_numbering: Literal['MSB', 'LSB'] | None = None, cspol: Literal[0, 1] | None = None, cpol: Literal[0, 1] | None = None, cphase: Literal[0, 1] | None = None, sclk_display_name: str | None = None, mosi_display_name: str | None = None, miso_display_name: str | None = None, cs_display_name: str | None = None)

Create an SPI Configuration object.

  • sclk_pin_name (str) – The name of the pin to use for SCLK

  • mosi_pin_name (str) – The name of the pin to use for MOSI

  • miso_pin_name (str) – The name of the pin to use for MISO

  • cs_pin_name (str) – The name of the pin to use for CS

  • clock_speed (int) – The transmission clock speed in Hz

  • bit_width (int) – The bit width of the SPI transmissions

  • bit_numbering (Literal["MSB", "LSB"]) – Whether to transmit MSB-first or LSB-first

  • cspol (Literal[0, 1]) – The polarity of the chipselect pin

  • cpol (Literal[0, 1]) – The polarity of the clock pin

  • cphase (Literal[0, 1]) – The phase of the clock

  • sclk_display_name (str) – The name to display for the driver’s SCLK pin. Default: SCLK

  • mosi_display_name (str) – The name to display for the driver’s MOSI pin. Default: MOSI

  • miso_display_name (str) – The name to display for the driver’s MISO pin. Default: MISO

  • cs_display_name (str) – The name to display for the driver’s CS pin. Default: CS


An SPI Configuration with the specified settings

Return type:



Disconnect from the connected device.

getNextAvailableI2CDriver() I2CDriver

Get the next available I2C Driver.


An I2C Driver, which has already been marked as in use

Return type:



Exception – If no more I2C Drivers are available on the device

getNextAvailablePin() Pin

Get the next available Pin.


A Pin, which has already been marked as in use

Return type:



Exception – If no more Pins are available on the device

getNextAvailableSPIDriver() SPIDriver

Get the next available SPI Driver.


An SPI Driver, which has already been marked as in use

Return type:



Exception – If no more SPI Drivers are available on the device

getNextAvailableStimulus() Stimulus

Get the next available stimulus.


A Stimulus, which has already been marked as in use

Return type:



Exception – If no more Stimuli are available on the device

getPin(name: str) Pin

Get a pin by its name.


name (str) – The pin’s name


The specified pin, which has already been marked as in use

Return type:


  • AttributeError – If the pin name does not exist on the device

  • Exception – If the pin is already in use

isConnected() bool

Return whether a device connection is currently active.


True if the device is connected, False otherwise

readFPGARegister(address: int, blocking: bool = True) int | None

Read directly from a register on the SmartWave’s FPGA.

  • address (int) – The address to read from

  • blocking (bool) – If true, wait for the response from the connected device


If blocking == True, return the content of the specified register. Else return None.

Return type:

Union[int, None]


Exception – If the blocking mode is requested and another callback for a register read operation is already registered

removeConfig(config: Config)

Remove a config from the device.


config (Config) – the config to remove


AttributeError – If the config is not found


Request the device information from the connected device.


Reset the configuration of the connected device.

returnI2CDriver(driver: I2CDriver) int

Return an I2C Driver to the list of available I2C Drivers.


driver (I2CDriver) – The I2C driver to return


The new number of available I2C Drivers

Return type:


returnPin(pin: Pin) int

Return a Pin to the list of available pins.


pin (Pin) – The pin to return


The new number of available pins

Return type:


returnSPIDriver(driver: SPIDriver) int

Return an SPI Driver to the list of available SPI Drivers.


driver (SPIDriver) – The SPI driver to return


The new number of available SPI drivers

Return type:


returnStimulus(stimulus: Stimulus) int

Return a stimulus to the list of available stimuli.


stimulus (Stimulus) – The stimulus to return


The new number of available stimuli

Return type:


scanAndConnect(reset: bool = True, request_info: bool = True, configure_general: bool = True)

Scan all serial ports on the PC and connect to a SmartWave device if one is found.

  • reset (bool) – Reset the device after connection

  • request_info (bool) – Request info from the device after connection

  • configure_general (bool) – Configure general with the default values



Return type:



ConnectionRefusedError – If no suitable device is found


Start or Stop the current configuration on the connected device.

property triggerMode: TriggerMode

Get the current trigger mode of the connected device.


The current trigger mode of the connected device

Return type:


updateFPGABitstream(bitstream_path: str | None = None, blocking: bool = True)

Update the FPGA bitstream with a given bitstream, or to the newest version.

Also checks the bitstream file for plausibility and calculates the checksum.

  • bitstream_path (Optional[str]) – The path to the bitstream. If unspecified, upload newest packaged bitstream.

  • blocking (bool) – Whether to wait until the bitstream update is finished

  • FileNotFoundError – If the bitstream file could not be found

  • Exception – If the bitstream file is of the wrong size

updateFirmware(firmware_path: str | None = None)

Update the microcontroller firmware with a given firmware, or to the newest version.

This also checks the firmware file for plausibility and calculates the checksum.


firmware_path (Optional[str]) – The path to the new firmware. If unspecified, upload newest packaged firmware.

  • FileNotFoundError – If the firmware file could not be found

  • Exception – If the firmware file is incompatible with the bootloader

  • Exception – If the firmware size is incompatible with the bootloader

property vddio: float

Get the current IO voltage of the connected device.


The current IO voltage of the connected device

Return type:


writeFPGARegister(address: int, value: int)

Write directly to a register on the SmartWave’s FPGA.

  • address (int) – The address to write to

  • value (int) – The value to write

writeToDevice(data: bytes, acquire_lock: bool = True, progress_callback: Callable[[int], None] | None = None)

Write bare data to the connected device.

  • data (bytes) – the data to write

  • acquire_lock (bool) – Whether to acquire lock for serial resource. Setting this to False may have adverse side effects.

  • progress_callback (Optional[Callable[[int], None]]) – a callback to tell the progress of the transaction. Gives the progress in percent.


Exception – If the serial connection is not active